Home Show Success!

Welcome! We're so glad you want to learn more about home shows!

Why should you do home shows? Take a look at this quick video from our Extra Mile training:

And here's a hello from Team Leader Wendy Dykema:

Ready to get started?! Let's DO this!

Follow these five steps to home show/private event success!

I (Melody) arrive no more than an hour early to set up. I put the books all over the living room or dining room; I put books on the couches, chairs, propped up against the wall, etc. I let the hostess know that I'd like her to round up the guests when it's been about 15 minutes, or when she thinks everyone is here (but not longer than 20 min. if possible).

Wendy Dykema's tip:

Say to your hostess before the party: "So, just watch what I do, see how easy it is, and let me know after the party if it's something you'd be interested in doing, too!" (Brilliant!)

As guests arrive, I greet them and get to know them!

I usually say, "When you see something you like, hold onto it because we're going to have adult circle time in a few minutes!" And as they're looking around, I ask about their kids' ages and help them find some good books for them. It's good to begin to develop a relationship with the guests by asking questions about them and their kids. (If you have problems with guests always arriving late and your parties turning into open houses, try doing an on-time drawing, where only guests who arrive on-time get a ticket, and then award a prize 5 minutes after the start time!)

Here we go! It's your time to shine and share about our awesome books and incredible business opportunity! I NEVER stand in front of a group; I always sit down with them, usually on the floor if we're in the living room. There are many ways to do a home show presentation, so play around and see what works best for your personality!

First, I like to thank my hostess and brag on her a minute.

"Thank you so much, Beth, for hosting! Without you, I wouldn't have a fun business sharing these incredible books! You've been such a great hostess getting me your guest list, making phone calls, etc. (just genuinely compliment her). Now, you all know Beth so much better than I do, so I'd like to take just a second and maybe a couple of you wouldn't mind sharing what YOU love about Beth!" Then they share and Beth feels great. Awesome way to start a show, right?!

Then we can start adult circle time if everyone has picked out a book.

"Well I have a couple of my favorites I'd like to share with you tonight before we pass out the catalogs, but before we get to me, I'd love to hear what book you picked out and why it caught your attention! Would you like to share your book with us?"

And I nod to the person closest to me to start. I like to do this because then my guests are selling the books for me! During this time, I like to point out some features about the books they share if they don't mention them. For instance, one guest shares about the Science Encyclopedia, and then I can politely jump in when she's done and mention how that book is internet-linked and explain what that means. Very helpful!

Next, I share some of our best-sellers, also pointing out special features of the books. I like to use DUCKS to help me remember. (this is called the Ducks Presentation)

"You all picked out some great books! I'd like to quickly share some of my favorites and let you know about some special features that make Usborne Books and More the #1 children's publisher in the UK!"

D - double-page spead (First 1000 Words in English, Lift the Flap Picture Atlas, etc.)
U - unlimited activity (Doodle books/cards)
C - cutting-edge technology (Internet-linked books)
K - knowledge in bite-sized chunks (Spying, an encyclopedia, etc.)

Click here to read my entire home show script (the order is a little different from what I just wrote, but either way works).

And when you have 30 minutes, here's a video of me doing my original home show presentation. Click here or below to take a look:

(I don't do the VIP Club anymore because it was too much to keep up with, and we're no longer allowed to sell the Customer Specials to guests who do not meet the minimum $40, so please disregard that portion of the video.)

There are MANY ways to share our great books, so if this kind of presentation isn't your style, no worries!

Another way to do the presentation is by using 'show cards!' 

The show cards presentation is fabulous because it's an interactive way to share the books, and you don't have to memorize anything! BIG thanks to the amazing Carrie Geitner for putting these together and sharing! Click here or below to watch!

There are two different layouts for these cards, so you'll need to determine how your specific printer works to get the right back on the right front.

Click here to download Carrie's show cards.

Click here to download the cards with a duplexing layout.

(If you use the show cards, a lot of the following information is incorporated into them already, so less work for you!)

We should always sprinkle booking and recruiting seeds in any presentation we do. Again, if you use the show cards, these are already planted in there for you!

'Pretend Hostess' is the best way to show the guests the benefits of hosting their own parties! You can see how I do it by going to the 21:00 mark on my home show video above, and click here or below to watch the fabulous Wendy Dykema demonstrate the way she does Pretend Hostess:

I sometimes play the Dice Game towards the end of my presentation and have ALWAYS walked away with multiple bookings with this fun party tool! Check it out by clicking here (but you could also just make your own, no need to spend money!). Click here to see a great video demo of this booking game. And click here to see another one!

However, if this scares you, don't do it! Do what YOU are comfortable with! We have TONS of great audio trainings in our Back Office (under Resources, Audio Trainings) that help with getting bookings at parties; I've linked some at the bottom, too, that are really good! Just be sure to do Pretend Hostess - that certainly can be sufficient!

After doing Pretend Hostess, and maybe a booking game like the Dice Game, it's time to walk guests through a customer information slip (also called door prize slip).

I like to give guests a small clipboard at the beginning of the party with a wishlist, pen, and raffle ticket, with the customer info. slip folded in half behind the wishlist (see right side of above picture). I don't want them to fill it out early, so it's hidden away. (Feel free to create your own wishlist, or better yet, replace the wishlist with the Order Form! Let the guests know that the order form can be used as a wishlist; it's okay if things are marked out or chicken scratched.)

I say something like, "Under your wishlist is a white paper, go ahead and get that out. The top part is your information. Let's fill that out in just a second; first, let's go through the questions at the bottom together."

Then I read the question and they mark their answers. This is my last official chance to get in a booking/recruiting seed, so that's why we walk them through it (otherwise, they'll just check no to everything and move on).

From Wendy Dykema:

At the point where they are checking whether they have a school lead, I show them the CARDS FOR A CAUSE box. THAT'S RIGHT: I HAUL THAT BABY TO EVERY PARTY. You never know when someone's kid needs money for a mission trip! Or someone's sister is a cheerleading coach!

Then I say, "Be sure to write at the top your preferred method of contact, either phone, email, text, FB, etc. I'd like to keep in touch and make sure you like the books you're ordering! When you're done filling out your contact information, just raise your paper and I'll trade you for a catalog. We have over 1,600 items in our big catalog, and keep in mind that everything you'll see has 3 prices: full price, half-price, and free!"

Then I trade them the completed customer slips for a catalog, and then I'll do a drawing using their slips or raffle tickets. I like to give away free shipping, and I just pay for that out of my commission. If you want to give away a $4.99 book (we have TONS of them in the catalog), you can order that in Order Pro using the Hostess Incentive category at 65% off, so you're not breaking your bank (ask your team leader about this if you have questions or watch the Order Pro video for help with our discounts).

Once everyone has a catalog and is busy, I sneak a quick glance through the slips to see who checked Yes or Maybe for having a show or joining the team. Then I take my calendar or open dates and go straight to those people first and get them booked. I like to have hostess packets and recruiting packets with me at every show to hand out!

Then, I ask the guests if I can help them find books in the catalog. I'll get a drink or snacks, sit down, and mingle with them while they're shopping.

The more we develop that relationship, the more fun it is for everyone and the better we can help them find just the right books or talk to them about the business or hosting their own private event! 

Most importantly, it's a book PARTY! So let's have fun! Yaay!

As soon as the last order is taken, I start packing up so my hostess can get to bed!

I tally up the sub-totals (without tax and shipping), and let her know where she is with her rewards. While I've been hostess coaching her, I went over what the rewards are and that she'll need a certain minimum in sales (if you're new and in your first 12 weeks, that's $250) and at least one booking from her party - don't forget the booking! So, I let her know where she's at, and tell her that I'll be in touch tomorrow to get anymore outside orders. 

I like to say, "Okay, right now we're at $307 in sales. If you get just $41 more dollars, which is just 1 more average order (average order is $40), then you'll hit that next level! You can totally do that! Who didn't come tonight but said they would? Reach out to those friends in the morning and let them know you missed them and that your party is closing soon if they'd like to order."

Also, my hostess is my #1 potential recruit! She's seen me do the job and knows a little about what's involved.

As I'm putting things away, I'll say, "So, girl, have you ever thought about doing something like this yourself?" Then I LISTEN to what she has to say. I'll also ask her if she knows anyone who would be good at this! It might not be a good fit for my hostess, but maybe this business would be an answered prayer for her sister or neighbor, etc.

And finally, I get outta there and enjoy some good 80's music on the ride home!

The above way was just ONE way to do a home party!

Please take 8 minutes and watch the beautiful and talented Wendy Dykema talk about how she does her parties, aka private events! LOVE this!

Thanks so much for learning more about home shows/private events!

You CAN do this, friend!

Check out one final benefit to this side of the business by clicking here or below:

One final idea:

The night AFTER the home party/private event, do a Facebook party for your hostess! She can use the same eShow link and get more orders from her friends who couldn't make it or aren't local. I like to call this the FB After Party!

I run it exactly like a normal FB party, and it's been great to boost the hostess's sales and get her more free books! Click here to check out our FB party training page!

Have questions? No worries; we love questions!

Connect with your team leader to learn more about successful home parties/private events!

Helpful Audios
Download these, put them on your phone, and listen while you drive or do the dishes!

  • 4 Key Points to a Successful Home Show by Kathy Martin - click here for mp3 download
  • Self-Generating Business by Jeannie Steenberge - click here for mp3 download
  • Reaching Your Goals Through Home Shows by Ann Janisch - click here for mp3 download

Need help getting bookings for private events?

Click here or the image below to learn how to get started!

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